Thursday 11 February 2010

Idea for intro of film

For my two minute introduction on my social realism film I have chosen to go with the theme of teenagers under pressure from parents, teachers and the media in order to succeed in their exams. I have carried out some internet based research on this topic so that I can have a better understanding of the pressure on teenagers as well as personal experience I can start to get feeling on the my storyline.

For my film, there is one main character a young teenage girl who is currently taking her A levels. She needs to get at least three As to get into a medical University because she wants to become a doctor. She might not be the smartest in her classes, but she tries really hard to achieve her dream. Her teachers try to help her, but she feels as if they are putting the pressure on her by demanding a lot out of her. She has friends but doesn’t really get time to spend with them and her parents thinks she spends to much time on her coursework or revising, they would like her to come off her cloud and realise the reality of life. The media doesn’t help, there is always headlines in the news saying ‘the pass of A levels are increasing’ ‘the level of university entries are rising, because more people are going back to get degrees to increase the chances of being more skilled and successful within the line of their work.’ When it comes to taking her exams she believes she has done alright, she spent ages revising and keep going over and over sections that she didn’t understand so that she would get it correct if it came up in the exams. Besides this she ends up failing her exams, due to this she hasn’t got the grades to get into university. Her parents are putting pressure on her to look at getting a full time job and forget about becoming a doctor. She goes into a deep state of depression and thinks about committing suicide. She doesn’t do this, because she takes time to think about what went wrong and considers what to do next.

For my two minute introduction, I would like to have a mixture of newspaper articles, news reports (spoken) all edited together I think this would drew the attention of the mainstream market, because at some point we have all been under pressure to succeed. And we are always hearing about how the amount of people passing has increased every year. After that it would go to the girl eating her breakfast studying, whilst her mum is moaning at her for always revising and that she better get good grades after all this or else she can go find a job. This would be a handheld eye level shot to create the sense that the audience is watching what’s happening. The girl leaves the house and looking very upset and hurt that her own mum could support her, this would be a close-up shot so that her emotion can be seen. Using a panning shot, the camera will then follow her as she walks down the road. Although their isn’t much to these couple of minutes but I what the audience to feel what’s going to happen, and get them thinking how does the newspaper articles and the news reports link with to girl. I what to create the impression of pressure without giving to much of the film away.

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AS Media Studies Portifilo G322
Centre Number:64020
Candidate Number: 8214
